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Published in: on March 24, 2009 at 2:56 pm  Leave a Comment  

Looks American to Me


America has long been a nation where people peacefully protest.  The Boston Tea Party, which led to the American Revolution in 1776, started it all.

The picture above reflects the passion of people in Orlando, Florida who want taxes rolled back, the stimulus package dismantled and America put back on a fiscally sound footing. Approximately 5,000 people participated.

The question is, can this kind of thing work?  The answer is YES! Remember the Civil rights protests of the 1960?  As a result of those peaceful protests led by Dr. Martin Luther King, a Republican (just in case you didn’t know), America’s black citizens experience equality with every other American.

Today, the great issue of the moment is the evil of spending such enormous amounts of money by the Obama administration and democratic leadership that our great grandchildren will still be paying the bill during their lifetimes. Our debts to China, and even to our grandchildren, is dangerous for America’s survival. The spending is irresponsible at best and destructive at worse as it leads to a sluggish socialist society.

Slowly, the mainstream media zombies are barely beginning to awaken out of their stupor of Obama adoration that they are almost realizing that something is going on. Basically conservative causes are ignored, but with the growing numbers of Tea Parties, and with their numbers of attendees rising— it is getting more and more difficult to ignore.

One of these Tea Parties should be conducted in front of the New York Times building and other ones in front of the headquarters of NBC, ABC and CBS. Stir the walking dead (zombies) that are ridiculously called reporters so they have no choice but to see what is happening.

Part of the good news is the absolute adoration of Obama is flagging. I was at a ball game last week between the New York Yankees and the Detroit Tigers, and a business owner, sitting in front of me, was waxing aloud how he regretted voting for Obama.  He said he might move to Australia to escape the increasing taxes, and he was serious.  Well, there goes some more jobs because he will take his business with him.

People are growing angry that their concerns are ignored by the democratic leadership and the president who plays with the media on Jay Leno, while killing the American free market.

Seek out the Tea Party nearest to you.  “” is a website that can be very helpful to you to get more information. Lets all do our part!

Published in: on March 24, 2009 at 2:49 pm  Leave a Comment  

Guest Post: Donna Marie Oswald, Obama on the right track?


Guest post from Donna Marie Majoros Oswald

O is on the right track! Yes, I said it!

O is on the right track for a train wreck!

As we conservatives try to rally, prepare, save and cling…. in a very odd way, we owe it, ironically, to O.

O’s lack of experience in leadership, core values, honesty and
integrity is galvanizing our conservative principles, our groups and
those of us who have truth, integrity and core values. God works in
mysterious ways.

Ironic that the worst case scenario is knocking at our collective
doors; and yet, some how it is transforming conservative principles to
a pace that even liberals can understand. Many liberals have voters’

Yes, the Obama family: AKA: The Addams family (live how they want to
live, say what they want to say, do what they want to do) but it is all
working in reverse. O’s PC is in fact very transparent. Transparent =
Lies are forthcoming!

Reverse psychology works well.

Envision, if you will a train wreck, two trains about to collide…
The theory of relativity stands! “For every action, there is an equal
and opposite reaction.” As O makes feeble attempts to change the world;
we stick to our word for it is our bond. As O’s team of spinners waste
time with smoke and mirrors, we see the truth. “I have not failed. I’ve
just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison

Like a light bulb!

With this collection of thoughts in mind, failure is an option. Let
O fail again and again until he get’s it right. We are tough, and we
can take it. That said, I am not asking anyone to stick their heads in
the sand on the river of called “de Nile.” What I am asking of each
person who reads this is to not feed into O’s need for attention or his
addiction to self. What I am asking all to do is to seek and speak the
truth. What I am asking conservatives to do is to conserve! Seems like
a natural course of action to me.

“Lather, rinse, and repeat” is a phrase that is a common part of the
instructions on shampoo bottles. It is sometimes also used as a
humorous way of saying that a certain set of instructions should be
repeated until an explicit or implicit goal is reached, or as sardonic
commentary on some people’s practice of taking descriptions,
instructions or expressions literally and without common sense. Often
the phrase is shortened to simply, “Rinse and repeat,” often called

The found humor inherent in the phrase is that the instructions, if
taken literally, tell the user to lather their hair, rinse the shampoo
off, then repeat the process—but they do not say when to stop this
cycle. In theory, a person could conceivably keep washing and rinsing
their hair forever (or until they ran out of shampoo) as they repeated
the instructions over and over. On the other hand, a person using
common sense would consider that the word repeat does not refer to
itself, but only to the two preceding steps, so the instructions
actually mean to repeat the process exactly once, for a total of two

Dream within a dream! Hope floats! Philosophy is for thinkers, and it is time to smash the mirror!

~Donna Marie Majoros Oswald

Published in: on March 24, 2009 at 2:45 pm  Leave a Comment  

Conservative Governors America Appreciates– The First in a Series


Gov. Perry Sides with Texas Employers in Responding to Federal Stimulus Guidelines

Taken from a recent speech of Governor Rick Perry of Texas, “During these tough times, Texas employers are working harder than ever to move products to market, make payroll and create jobs.  The last thing they need right now is government burdening them with higher taxes and expanded obligations.  The Unemployment Insurance stipulations in the new federal stimulus bill will ultimately increase the burden borne by Texas employers and have a direct effect on people they hire, and those they won’t hire as a result.That is why I am here today at a company like Bering’s,  to stand with Texas employers and the millions of Texans they employ in resisting further government intrusion into their business by opposing the federal government’s push to expand our state’s unemployment insurance program.  Changing the Texas terms of unemployment will not only cause employers to change their hiring practices, it will also increase their tax burden for years to come, leading to higher-priced products and hindering their ability to overcome the current economic challenges.

The math is simple:  Employers who have to pay more taxes, have less money to meet their payroll, hire new employees, and grow their businesses.  If Washington really wanted to help and respect our rights as a state, they would send dollars from the Federal Unemployment Account with no strings attached, like they did in 2002.  Instead, Washington is using this bill to force our legislators to enact policies that they have repeatedly rejected as wrong for Texas.

Again and again, we hear that the purpose of the federal stimulus legislation is to create jobs, but this portion of it will actually slow job creation.  I understand that the national economy is in a tough spot, and I feel for our Texas families that are directly experiencing the effects because a breadwinner lost a job.

As governor, I represent all of our citizens:  Texas workers, the employers who create their jobs, as well as those folks who are looking for work.  In fact, we have already accepted increased funds from Washington that had no strings attached and will provide an increase in benefits through the end of this year.  My focus has been, and continues to be, cultivating an environment that creates more of those jobs for Texans.

That is why I am so concerned about the belief that has gained a foothold in our national consciousness, that the best and only way to solve our nation’s problems, is to drown them with taxpayer dollars.  The calls to, “Take the money now and deal with the consequences later,” are deeply troubling and, quite frankly, irresponsible.  Texas leaders are obligated to address the current economic situation while looking to the future and remembering the lessons of the past.  We cannot forget that Texas overcame a $10 billion deficit in 2003 because we decided to reduce government spending… not increase it.  By freeing up employers to succeed in the marketplace, we also freed them to create more than a million Texas jobs over the past six years.  The strings attached to these federal funds could very well strangle an economy that leads the nation in exports and Fortune 500 companies, and doing far better than most other states.That is a consequence that I, in good conscience, cannot allow.This issue is not an abstract discussion– it affects people’s lives.

My office has received hundreds of letters from our citizens on the issue, and the majority support my conclusion.  I especially liked the way Brent from Frisco got to the point, writing, “You protect our borders and maintain infrastructure.  I’ll build the business and create jobs.  I have a kindred spirit in the woman from Weatherford who wrote, “No matter how difficult the times are, Texans will come together and rise above any challenge. I hope you will not take what appears to me to be a quick fix leaving us with more federal rules, regulations and penalties.”  The majority of our citizens believe that taking stimulus dollars with these strings attached is not worth the trade-off. I agree with them.  Because Texans prefer a paycheck over an unemployment stipend, we will continue to cultivate an economic climate that decreases burdens on employers, attracts investment, and creates jobs for Texans.  This will give our state the best chance to succeed in the months and years to come.

Published in: on March 24, 2009 at 2:43 pm  Leave a Comment  

Guest post: Luis Noel Otero


Hispanic Values and Republican Hispanics are the nation’s largest and fastest growing minority group; at 46 million strong, they make up about 15% of the U.S. population. Let’s start this discussion with that in mind. Let us also remember that in 2004, Bush drew an estimated 40% of the national Hispanic vote — a record for a Republican presidential candidate. Clearly by what we saw in the last election, a lot has changed.

The Hispanic voters overwhelmingly decided to vote Democratic.  According to a report by PEW Hispanic Center, 67% of the Hispanic vote went to Obama.  Amongst Florida registered voters, 57% went to the democrats. For a while, this was a big mystery to me.

I thought about past elections to better understand what happened. I then realized that we need to remember the message that the GOP conveyed to Hispanics back in 2004. “Family Values.” With that message, they got the Hispanic attention and consequently, their votes. Many of us came from countries where  people live by two principles: Religion and Family.  This is very cultural. It is because of these principles that Hispanics are conservative by design. Centuries of Catholic domination in our countries of origin have left their permanent mark in our culture. Strong religious roots are the force behind many of our decisions as individuals, as well as in general.

The love of family, God and traditions are deep rooted in our hearts and even though we are here in the USA , we are still guided by those beliefs.  Majority of Hispanics will not compromise their position in regard to those issues that affect their conscience and religious standards. That is why many of us have found a home with the party that represents these values without compromise.

 It was that message that the Republican Party exposed in it’s platform back in 2004 that drew thousands to say no to the liberal mainstream. Why? Because the majority of us will never support ideals and policies that go against our known values and principles. For many years the misconception that our party is only for the rich, was and still is, an element that I find totally foolish because many of us, Hispanics, do not drive around in a Mercedes or own multimillion dollar homes, but yet our love and loyalty to the GOP comes from the fact that it is this party that comes closest to our own ideals and cultural beliefs. 

 We, the Hispanics, that have our lives and homes established for many years here in the States believe that we should work hard to achieve the American dream. We do not believe in a government that will hand out freebies to keep us from achieving this goal and prevent us from overcoming the necessity of government controlled programs.  We strongly believe that life is sacred, and that we need to protect and reserve the right even of the unborn. We believe in fiscal responsibility, and we take pride in working hard to be able to create a better future for our families. It is always encouraging that our brothers and sisters coming to this country should do so the proper way and following the procedures in place. 

We strongly believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. We believe in serving the country that has been such a beacon of hope to many of us. Hispanics will be the biggest political prize in upcoming decades, including a major portion of our Nation’s first time voters. It is because of this, that our party needs to reach out and get the clear message out to them like it did back in 2004.

Another interesting number from the PEW Report is that of the Hispanic Youth Vote.  These were first time voters and 76% of those went to the democrats.  If we hope to win in a local, state and national level, we must address the need to educate the younger voters and reach out to them. We also need to educate the leaders of our party to be more sensitive towards the Hispanic culture so their message could be heard and accepted. We can bring back their vote, but only if we can show our new voters that our party is open to their energy, and that there’s room for their traditions and beliefs inside the GOP.

 We must demonstrate that we value their principals because they are also the principals of our party. The message we must put across to our Hispanic youth is that they belong here, with us. We can rely on the help of civic and political groups in our communities for this. Our immediate communities and cities should be the launching pad for this new approach. Many of our Latin countries have numerous political parties, but the one thing they all have in common is the knowledge that they need to approach voters with a conservative message.

If this message is not conveyed properly, they lose. In my own upbringing, I was taught the following principles:  Love God, Love your Neighbor, Respect Life, Serve your Country, and Vote.  As a young man in Boston, I grew up during the Reagan era. I remember listening to him, and I will never forget the admiration that I felt every time I listened. He was talking to me. He conveyed a message of hope, yet he was not compromising his values and beliefs for political gain. It is this type of leadership that I learned to respect. 

 When I turned 18, I finally legally gained the right to cast my first vote.  I had no doubt which political party I belonged to.  I wanted to be part of the party that embodied all my beliefs and made me feel heard.  I wanted to become a Republican because it was this party that, due to my conservative upbringing, was the closest to those things that went to the core of who I was. I didn’t need to be offered programs that didn’t appeal to me.  I didn’t need the so called freedom that the other party offered or their liberal views.  I became a Republican because their message and their platform was also mine. Since then, our party has drifted .I still believe, without a shadow of the doubt, that it is the Republican party who represents us more accurately. The great majority of Hispanics are pro-life.

The great  majority of Hispanics believe in achieving their goals, not through help from the government or it’s failed programs, but through hard work and dedication to reach their dream. We believe in the conservative ideals that this country was founded on. We believe that the role of the family is the backbone of America, and that we can’t substitute the strength of our beliefs to be accepted, but be accepted because of them.  We believe in opportunity, not dependence.  We believe in the security that our children have because of our strong armed forces. We believe in freedom and liberty, but do not believe in supporting libertinage.

  In the Republican Party, Hispanics have found a home away from home. We have found a conservative movement dedicated to uphold the values that we as a people have always lived by. Again, let’s look at the elections in 2004; our party was clear about their message concerning National Security, Family Strengthening, Community Development, Faith-Based Initiatives, and the one that hit home with Hispanics, “Preserving our Families Values.”  Let’s not ponder too much in the outcome of this past election. Yes, many Hispanics swung their vote to the Democrats, but it was mostly because the message that we Republicans, as a party needed to convey, was not clear.

 The economy, and the fear of how it was going to affect their families, was a major motivation for Hispanics to embrace change, any change. However, without a doubt, Hispanics will always find the message of conservatism more appealing. It  is the essence of a culture that will not compromise it’s beliefs. Hispanics have come to recognize that the Republican party embodies the elements in its core, that we as Hispanics believe in.  And it is in this precise factor, that our Party needs to focus on strongly if we want to ensure the support from our Nations Hispanic electors that is so coveted every four years.

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln, of  Illinois, carried the Republican banner in the Presidential election and was elected the Party’s first President. He became our nation’s greatest leader … and one of our Party’s greatest heroes. History can be repeated again. I truly believe it is our party, with the help of my community, the Hispanic community, that can and will restore our nation and unite us once again.


Published in: on March 24, 2009 at 2:36 pm  Leave a Comment  

Guest Post: Thelma White






Defense: A Disarmingly Low PriorityThe article attached was written by my friend Thelma White. To see more articles that she has written, please check her Facebook page.www.uspatriotpac.comPatriot PAC


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Obama and Barney Frank are Serious About Disarming America

by Thelma White March 2008 Defense:

A Disarmingly Low PriorityDefense Spending: In a speech that didn’t mention Afghanistan, President Obama said, “We’re not paying for Cold War-era weapons systems we don’t use.” His 2010 budget shows he is serious about disarming America.

Obama does not get it! Now that he is well on his way to destroying the free market of enterprise and small businesses, he has now set out to weaken our national defense and make us a sitting duck for rogue nations that intend to do us harm.

Perhaps the reason we don’t need to use some weapons systems is because we have them. President Reagan won the Cold War based on a strong defense; in part. We had Pershing missiles to deploy in Europe and were serious about defending America against missile attacks with the Strategic Defense Initiative.

Deterrence does work. By expanding the military, Reagan achieved “peace through strength” and set the stage for the demise of the Soviet Union.

As President Kennedy said when he called on us to, “bear any burden” and “pay any price” in the defense of liberty and the preservation of our freedom, “Only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt they will never be employed.”

Of course, that was back in the days when we were also told, “Ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what you can do for your country.”

We cannot be the second-best superpower for the simple reason that he who is second is last. In this deadly game, there are no silver medals for second.

The outline of the 2010 defense budget released Thursday proposes a 4% increase in nonwar spending. But it gives few specifics on procurement except to say new weapon systems are “expensive and technically difficult” and carry a “high risk of performance failure.”The fiscal 2010 spending plan appears to fulfill a campaign promise that Obama made to the far left group Caucus for Priorities, which called for a further deterioration in the military.

“I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems,” he proclaimed;  then, “I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems.”

If only our enemies would do the same. While Obama continues to abuse the power of the office from everything to weakening our national defense to spending all our resources.  The DOD reports tell us that is definitely not the case and points to events occurring around the world today in China, Russia, and Iran to mention a few.

Defense is not high on the list in the new domestic order. In his address to Congress Tuesday night, the president neglected to mention the 17,000 additional troops being sent to Afghanistan. The only mention of national defense, in fact, was a pledge to, “Reform our defense budget so that we’re not paying for Cold War-era weapons systems we don’t use.”

At the rate and pace Obama is weakening our defenses, we may get the chance.

An increasingly belligerent Russia and an ambitious China have been expanding their forces. A Russian-built reactor in Iran has just gone live as the mullahs show their global reach with a satellite launch. North Korea is preparing a launch of its Taepodong 2 intercontinental ballistic missile.

This is not the time to gut missile defense designed to deal with these missile threats or to cancel advanced weapon systems like the stealth F-22 Raptor while the wings almost fall off our aging fleet of F-15s. Yet that is what the Obama administration clearly intends.

The president is listening to the same guy who put the wheels into motion to allow Freddie and Fannie to introduce subprime and bring the economy to it’s knees. In a Tuesday interview, Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said, “It’s absurd to talk about reducing the deficit while giving a pass to the military budget.”

Frank’s office released a document calling for a $160 billion cut in military spending and a 75% reduction in “nuclear forces;” as well as, deep funding cuts for weapon systems such as the Raptor and the V-22 Osprey, a tilt-rotor aircraft designed to ferry troops into battle.

In an article in the March 2nd issue of the nation, Frank said that, “If we do not make reductions approximating 25% of the military budget starting fairly soon, it will be impossible to fund an adequate level of domestic activity even with a repeal of Bush’s tax cuts for the very wealthy.”

Military spending creates jobs while serving a real purpose. We live in an increasingly dangerous and unstable world in which we have real enemies who would do us harm. Investing in military infrastructure is a win-win proposition on all fronts.

There’s a reason defense is mentioned in the Constitution and health care is not. It is time to stop treating our military forces like a red-headed stepchild. The greatest social service a government can provide for its people is to keep them alive and free.

We must let Obama and his friends in Congress know that while we agree, there must be no fat in our armed forces.  Those armed forces must be capable of coping with the new reality presented to us by an increasingly belligerent Russia, and an ambitious China who has been expanding their forces.

Not to mention a Russian-built reactor in Iran has just gone live as the mullahs show their global reach with a satellite launch. North Korea is preparing a launch of its Taepodong 2 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile as well.

Obama is covering all bases in destroying everything that makes us a great nation; the collective wisdom and genius of our people. Obama is re-writing the constitution, weakening our national defense and destroying our most precious institutions.

We have been taught that the government should lead but not rule, listen but not lecture… now we are told we can’t do anything without the government. They want to educate our children from the cradle to the grave; provide sex education and assist with abortions without notification of parents. It is imperative that our government’s programs, actions, officials and social welfare institutions never be allowed to jeopardize the family.”

The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principle

upon which it was founded.” That statement is as true today as it was when it was written by Montesquieu in 1748. 


Published in: on March 24, 2009 at 2:24 pm  Leave a Comment  

Muslims in London


According to the headline in The Mail (London newspaper), “Muslim Preacher Ridicules Troops Abused in Anti-War Protests— and Mocks their Dead Comrade.”

A beautiful homecoming parade of British troops coming home from Afghanistan and some from Iraq was marred by another hate-filled fundamentalist Muslim group.

Connected to Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammed these Muslims protested with signs reading,  “Anglian Soldiers:  Cowards, Killers,” etc.  Radical Muslim leader, Sayful Islam said, referring to the returning soldiers, “They have killed, maimed and raped thousands of innocent people. They can’t come here and parade where there is such a Muslim community.”

Firebrand Muslim preacher, Anjem Choudary, praised the Muslims who had protested at yesterday’s parade for the 2nd Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment in Luton. Choudary leads the controversial Islam for the UK organization which wants Britain to be an Islamic state, ruled by sharia law. He said, “Non-Muslims in Britain must appreciate that the actions of the British soldiers must be condemned unreservedly; they are not heroes, but closer to cowards who cannot fight, as their uncanny knack for death by ‘friendly fire’ illustrates.”

Will we ever learn that wherever Muslims gain power— innocent people will suffer?  May God awaken us in America because it is coming our way!

Published in: on March 13, 2009 at 5:20 pm  Leave a Comment  

Spending Holocaust

Nancy Pelosi, democrat Speaker of the House, said yesterday that we may need to keep the door open to another stimulus package. In six weeks the Obama/Pelosi/Reid gang has spent more money than all of the expenses incurred by the Hurricane Katrina clean-up, the war in Afghanistan and Iraq since Septemer 11, 2001, combined. When the Republicans had control, the Democrats whined that the money used in the war in Iraq could have been saved. Now that they have control, they have outspent every other Congress and President in the history of the nation— IN SIX WEEKS! And as Nancy says, it may not be enough!

Of course, it is all done in the name of a financial crisis— but only 5% of the last stimulus package had anything to do with stimulating the economy— ALL  the rest of it had to do with pet projects; such as, environmentalism, socialized national health care, etc. As long as we are in this “financial crisis” mentality, they can use the crisis as a way to get their leftist programs on the map, even though these programs will sap the financial life blood out of the nation.

The American government is currently in the hands of lunatics or people who honestly believe the socialism approach to money is the answer. They appoint people to office who are tax cheats (the rest of us would go to jail— or be fined heavily) if we cheated on our taxes. They produce such intellectuals as Barney Frank, Al Sharpton, Chris Dodd and more.

And so, the question is are they incompetents or evil?  That is the question.

Truth be told, the answer to that question does not matter.  The fact is, either way the USA is in the early days of a spending holocaust, which will cripple America for generations. Taxes are already rising. Even if income taxes are lowered for some, gas taxes, carbon footprint taxes, and many of the other taxes we pay are going up. Until and unless we get rid of these guys by electing conservative Republicans in 2010— the future will be very bleak. If we get conservative Republicans in office, they can begin to roll back some of these programs before people get too dependent on them. The time for action is NOW.  Join a Republican Club, go to a Tea Party (protests being held throughout the country), volunteer at Republican Headquarters, look at the voting records of current Republican office holders to ensure they are conservative and not RINOS.

I sense there is a rising tide of patriotism, which leads to action to stop this internal destruction of Judeo-Christian values, capitalism and sensible monetary policy.  Get involved. Get your friends involved via Facebook and other social networks. It’s our time to take action and restore America to a nation “of the people, by the people and for the people.”

Published in: on March 11, 2009 at 6:39 pm  Comments (1)  

Will They Ever Get it?


More than 8,000 earmarks! Yes, it is true that some earmarks are worthy projects and might be less disgusting in a time of prosperity, job growth and economic strength!
Although, even in properous times, if taxes were lower, states and local communitities could better take care of their own projects. Local control is better than federal control.
However, the last time I looked we were in Obama’s Recession. (Yes, I know it started before he assumed office, but he has spent money by the billions on social programs that will never stimulate the economy.  The result is that the economy is even weaker; and so now, it is Obama’s Recession. Is that the “change we can believe in?”)

A great shift in the thinking of both Republican and Democrat Representatives and Senators needs to come to the forefront. For many years, these politicians based their re-election on “bringing home the bacon” to their districts or states. Times change and they must change with them or we must elect new conservatives to those seats. The goal for our elected officials needs to change.

Never did the Founding Fathers intend a political position to be a full time job for a lifetime.

Electing the right person is more important than re-electing the wrong person. Of course, if the the right person is in place, we should campaign to keep them AS LONG AS THEY REPRESENT CONSERVATIVE VALUES FOR THE ENTIRE NATION, not just bring home pet projects for their district. I grew up in beautiful West Virginia, where Robert C. Byrd has been a Senator since the beginning of time (at least it seems like it.) His entire career, after he  left the Ku Klux Klan, has been bringing pork projects to West Virginia.  His name appears everywhere on buildings and projects he has brought to the state. It’s embarassing, but it has kept him getting re-elected time after time.  The truth is, however, that down through the last forty years, lower taxes, welfare reform, reduction of union power,and job training would have enabled West Virginians to choose their own projects and pay for them as a state, rather than as a dependent of the federal government. These projects could have been done less expensively and more in compliance with the actual needs of West Virginians.

We have entered an era where Representatives and Senators need to put the well-being of the entire nation first, NOT their district. In fact, it is time to reduce federal instrusion into states and local communities and lower taxes for every segment of tax payers. Comrade Obama is on the march to consolidate as much power for the federal government as possible. If he accomplishes that, our local communities will be run with all the efficiency of the post office and we will be filling out paperwork in triplicate to for every business enterprise, and, of course the feds will lose it and it will have to be done over again.

Washington, DC is not the heartbeat of America!  The people are! Americans are not stupid all the time and more and more are waking up.

In today’s economic market, politicians should be holding town hall meetings with their constitutents explaining why pork barrel projects need to be stopped now. If not, capturing these projects for districts will cause greater loss of confidence in the House and Senate, although it is hard to image how it could get much lower than it is now.  If we continue on the porky path, we may get our favorite projects, but it will be like re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic, because the nation AS A WHOLE will sink.

Published in: on March 5, 2009 at 5:38 pm  Leave a Comment  

Did I do that?


Published in: on March 3, 2009 at 9:07 pm  Leave a Comment